Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 447, 2023
The 15th of Aceh International Workshop and Expo on Sustainable Tsunami Disaster Recovery (The 15th AIWEST-DR 2023)
Article Number | 05003 | |
Number of page(s) | 11 | |
Section | Human Security, Pandemic, and Communicable Diseases | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 13 November 2023 |
The Role of Coping Strategies in the Resilience of Health Workers During Covid-19 Pandemic
1 Master Program, Faculty of Disaster Science, Syiah Kuala University
2 Department, Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University
3 Psychology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University
During the COVID-19 pandemic, health workers are at the highest risk of infection so appropriate coping strategies are needed to survive the situation. This study aims to examine the role of coping strategies ((problem focused coping, emotion focused coping, and avoidance coping) on the resilience of health workers in hospitals. Using the Brief COPE questionnaire for coping strategy variables with α 0.888 and the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) for resilience with α 0.89. The sampling technique used proportional random sampling with 86 respondents. Data analysis using multiple regression shows that there is a significant effect between coping strategy variables on resilience with a value of p = 0.008 (p <0.05), there is a significant effect between Problem Focused Coping on resilience with a value of p = 0.000 (p <0.05), there is a significant effect between Emotion Focused Coping on resilience with a value of p = 0.012 (p <0.05), and there is a significant effect between Avoidance Coping on resilience with a value of p = 0.037 (p <0.05). Coping and resilience strategies that are widely used by health workers at the Meuraxa Regional General Hospital, Banda Aceh City during the pandemic are drawing closer to God, praying, believing in God, being proud of achievements, social support, and the ability to adapt. The results of this research can be used as input for related agencies so that they can hopefully form resilient health workers.
Key words: COVID-19 / coping strategies / health workers / resilience
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2023
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