Open Access
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 16, 2017
11th European Space Power Conference
Article Number 10004
Number of page(s) 8
Section Energy Storage: Fuel Cells
Published online 23 May 2017
  1. J. Byrknes, “Summary Report“, ESA project: “Hydrogen Storage Technologies”, ESA contract no. 17925/04/NL7CP, December 2005 Prime contractor: CMR Prototech Sub-contractor: IFE [Google Scholar]
  2. I. Nann, H. Weydahl, “Technical Note 4 – System Design and System Study“, ESA project: Fuel Cells for Telecom Systems – System Study, ESA contract (AO/1-5525/07/NL/LvH), September 2008 Prime contractor: Thales Alenia Space (Cannes) Sub-contractor: CMR Prototech [Google Scholar]
  3. J. Byrknes, J. W. Sørensen, “Final Report“, ESA project: “Regenerative H2/O2 Fuel Cell”, ESA contract no. 18312/04/NL/JD, August 2005 Prime contractor: CMR Prototech Sub-contractor: New Energy Systems [Google Scholar]
  4. Ø. Torvanger, “Summary Report“, ESA project: “Innovative Gas Storage on Satellites”, ESA contract no. 19399/05/ NL/PM, November 2007 Prime contractor: CMR Prototech, Sub contractor: IFE [Google Scholar]
  5. H. Weydahl, “Summary Report“, ESA project: “Advanced Energy Storage System”, CCN 1 to ESA contract no 19399/05/ NL/PM, November 2007 Prime contractor: CMR Prototech [Google Scholar]
  6. D. Bokach, J. Farnes, “Final Report“, ESA project: “Demonstration of a closed loop H2/O2 RFCS”, ESA contract no. 22556/09/NL/LvH Prime contractor: CMR Prototech Sub-contractor: Astrium (Friedrichshafen) [Google Scholar]
  7. ESA project, “Metal Hydride Hydrogen & Heat Storage System“, ESA contract no. 4000105330/12/NL/CLP, Ongoing project Prime contractor: CMR Prototech, Sub-contractor: FOTEC/FHWN (Austria) [Google Scholar]
  8. I. Nann, “Technical note 5 – Trade-off Li-ion-RFCS“, ESA project: Fuel Cells for Telecom Systems – System Study, ESA contract no. 21349/09/NL/LVH, November 2008, Prime contractor: Thales Alenia Space (Cannes), Sub contractor: CMR Prototech [Google Scholar]
  9. ESA ARTES 1 project, “Fuel cell for extra-large telecommunication satellites“, ESA tender AO/1-7843/14/NL/NR, Ongoing project Prime contractor: Airbus D&S Toulouse Sub-contractor: CMR Prototech [Google Scholar]
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  11. A. Reissner, “Development of a hydrogen and heat storage system for satellite applications”, conference 10th European Space Power Conference 2014 [Google Scholar]

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