Open Access
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 16, 2017
11th European Space Power Conference
Article Number 14009
Number of page(s) 8
Section Power Management & Distribution: DC/DC Converters
Published online 23 May 2017
  1. Buck-Buck‐Boost Regulator (B3R) for Spacecraft Power Conditioning Unit, Mourra O., Fernández A., Landstroem S. & Tonicello F., Proceedings of the 9th European Space Power Conference, 2011, Saint Raphael, France. [Google Scholar]
  2. ARTES 5.1 Statement of Work PCU module based on Buck Buck Boost Regulator (B3R) Reference nr.: 12.1TT.56 Technical Officer: Olivier Mourra, ESTEC, Noordwijk [Google Scholar]

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