Open Access
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 72, 2018
2018 The International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Green Energy (CEEGE 2018)
Article Number 01007
Number of page(s) 5
Section Power Electronics Technology and Electrical Engineering
Published online 05 December 2018
  1. Effect of atmospheric ice accretion on the dynamic performance of wind tubrine blades by Abdel Salam Alsabagh [Google Scholar]
  2. Review of the Phenomenon of Ice Shedding from Wind Turbine Blades by H. Xue,H. Khawaja [Google Scholar]
  3. Influence of Icing on the Modal Behavior of Wind Turbine Blades by Sudhakar Gantasala , Jean-Claude Luneno and Jan-Olov Aidanpää [Google Scholar]
  4. CES EDUPACK [Google Scholar]
  5. [Google Scholar]
  6. Atmospheric icing effects on aerodynamics of wind turbine blade by R.S. Myong [Google Scholar]
  7. Ice shedding and ice throw risk and mitigation by David Wahl and Phiippe Giguere. [Google Scholar]

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