Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 146, 2020
The 2019 International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts (SCA 2019)
Article Number | 04002 | |
Number of page(s) | 9 | |
Section | Pore Scale Imaging and Modeling | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 05 February 2020 |
A fast FFT method for 3D pore-scale rock-typing of heterogeneous rock samples via Minkowski functionals and hydraulic attributes
UNSW, School of Minerals & Energy Resources Engineering, Sydney 2052 NSW, Australia
* Corresponding author:
The integration of numerical simulation and physical measurements, e.g. digital and conventional core analysis, requires the consideration of significant sample sizes when heterogeneous core samples are considered. In such case a hierarchical upscaling of properties may be achieved through a workflow of partitioning the sample into homogeneous regions followed by characterization of these homogeneous regions and upscaling of properties. Examples of such heterogeneities are e.g. fine laminations in core samples or different micro-porosity types as consequence of source rock components and diagenesis. In this work we utilize regional measures based on the Minkowski functionals as well as local saturation information derived through a morphological capillary drainage transform as a basis for such a classification/partitioning. An important consideration is the size of the measurement elements utilized, which could be considerable in the case of larger heterogeneities; in such case the calculation of the regional measures can be computationally very expensive. Here we introduce an FFT approach to calculate these measures locally, utilizing their additivity. The algorithms are compared against direct summation techniques and shift-overlap approaches for a selection of different averaging supports to illustrate their speed and practical applicability. We consider a range of artificial Boolean models to illustrate the effect of including hydraulic information on the resulting classifications scheme. This allows the determination of bias, since for these model systems local classes are known ab-initio. The classification framework is tested by comparing to the known initial micro-structure distribution and relative bias quantified in terms of choice of averaging elements (size and shape). Importantly, depending on the actual morphological transition between micro-type partitions, partitions including hydraulic attributes differ from pure morphological partitions with applications to electrofacies and hydraulic unit definitions.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020
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