Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 184, 2020
2nd International Conference on Design and Manufacturing Aspects for Sustainable Energy (ICMED 2020)
Article Number | 01031 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 19 August 2020 |
A comprehensive study to select suitable method to enhance mechanical properties during 3D printing of metallic materials
1 Faculty of Mech Engineering, Institute of Tech SRMU, Lucknow 225003
2 Faculty of Mech Engineering, Institute of Tech SRMU, Lucknow 225003
Metallic metals are governed by their mechanical properties. Ductility and Strength two most significant properties behave as two opposite poles while metal is manufactured by conventional methods. Additive manufacturing however acts as a bridge binding two into more of a proportional relationship. Additive manufacturing commonly referred as 3D Printing reduces the tact time along with high dimensional accuracies hence it has turned out to be the most researched technologies in the recent times. Out of several 3D Printing methods Selective laser melting and Electron beam melting prove more efficient in increasing the strength along with ductility by significantly altering the grain structure thus creating an array of properties which are different from their contemporaries. The paper deals with the effects of the two processes along with the challenges faced due to the defects risen during the processing in order to optimally decide the process to be taken up for a selected metallic metal
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020
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