Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 212, 2020
2020 International Conference on Building Energy Conservation, Thermal Safety and Environmental Pollution Control (ICBTE 2020)
Article Number | 02016 | |
Number of page(s) | 9 | |
Section | Construction | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 26 November 2020 |
Defects of steel crane beams and methods of their strengthening
Brest State Technical University, 224017, Moskovskaya 267, Brest, Belarus
International Educational Corporation (KazGASA), 050043, Ryskulbekova 28, Almaty, Kazakhstan
* Corresponding author:
Crane structures are the most vulnerable in buildings and structures because of their early wear in comparison with other building structures. The wear of crane structures is because of the appearance and the development of fatigue damage nature.
The article presents the constructive solutions developed by the authors for strengthening the structures of steel crane beams with conventional and corrugated walls which allow to reduce the influence of the negative influence of installation, operation and technological processes on their operational durability.
The most dangerous installation defect is the displacement of the crane rail axis relative to the axis of the crane beams wall. Value of this shift is exceeded several times in the cases considered below. It is proposed to use crane beams with corrugated walls to solve this problem.
The authors have developed and implemented a project to restore the performance of steel crane beams by strengthening the walls of damaged beams without stopping production. Strengthening was performed on the outside of the eccentricities of the application of loads from crane rails by creating a truss structure parallel to the I-beam with chords of I-beams, which made it possible to significantly reduce the magnitude of local stresses from moments, the magnitude of transverse forces and consequently shear stresses, which are the main factors in the appearance and development of fatigue cracks in their walls.
Key words: crane structures / brake structures / steel crane beams / shear stresses
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020
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