Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 331, 2021
International Conference on Disaster Mitigation and Management (ICDMM 2021)
Article Number | 08005 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
Section | Water and Resources Engineering | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 13 December 2021 |
Suspended sediment transport map for disaster mitigation in the upper course of Jangkok River
1 Center for Disaster Risk Management, University of Mataram, Indonesia
2 Department of Civil Engineering, University of Mataram, Indonesia
* Corresponding author:
Jangkok River, a very important river for irrigation purposes in Lombok Island Indonesia is experiencing a rapid change in the land use of its watershed. The conversion of trees into seasonal crops in the watershed causes a decrease in the carrying capacity of the watershed and reduces its ability to prevent soil erosion. Environmental damages such as erosion and sedimentation along the river are becoming increasingly difficult to control. This paper proposed an idea to identify river conditions based on suspended sediment concentration. A series of field measurements of suspended sediment concentrations and river flow discharges were carried out to obtain the relationship between these two parameters. A resulting watershed map contains information on the rate of suspended sediment transport in the form of a suspended sediment-flow discharge rating curve is designed as a sediment conservation health indicator of the watershed. The map allows the authority to observe the condition of each river order in the upper course of the Jangkok River since the nearby tributaries are most likely to have their pattern of suspended sediment transport rate. The finding from this preliminary study can facilitate the drafting and implementation of the right policy in watershed conservation management planning which leads to preventive action and better preparedness in disaster mitigation.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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