Issue |
E3S Web of Conf.
Volume 465, 2023
8th International Conference on Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical Engineering (ICIMECE 2023)
Article Number | 02032 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Symposium on Electrical, Information Technology, and Industrial Engineering | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 18 December 2023 |
Analysis Of Stress And Deformation In Parametric Furniture Using The Finite Element Method
1 Furniture and Wood Processing Industry Polytechnic, Dept. Furniture Design, Kendal, Indonesia
2 Furniture and Wood Processing Industry Polytechnic, Dept. Furnitur Industry Business Management, Kendal, Indonesia
* Corresponding author:
One method of designing furniture is to use parametric design. Parametric design method is a design method in which design uses certain patterns. With the parametric design method, furniture that is very good in shape and aesthetics is produced, one of which is parametric TV table furniture. TV table is a type of furniture that has the function of placing a TV, multimedia supporting tv, mini library, and storage of other mini equipment. To carry out its function, furniture must also be tested for strength, one of which uses the finite element method with the help of ANSYS software version 18.1. The analysis aims to determine the stress and deformation. The simulation results with loads of 400N, 600N, 800N and 1.000N are maximum equivalent stress of 7,05x10-5 Pa, 1,05x106 Pa, 1,41x10-6 Pa, and 1,76x10-6 Pa. The highest maximum principal stress is equal to 1,16x10-5, 1,75x10-5, 2,33x10-5, and 2,92x10-5. Total deformation of 8,27x10-6m, 1,24x10-5m, 1,65x105m, and 2,06x10-5m. The conclusion of this study shows that the results of stress and deformation analysis have no change in shape and failure in load bearing. This shows that parametric TV table furniture can perform its function by being able to withstand TV loads and other furniture until 100Kg (1.000N) with safety factor 1,8.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2023
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