Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 44, 2018
10th Conference on Interdisciplinary Problems in Environmental Protection and Engineering EKO-DOK 2018
Article Number | 00057 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 03 July 2018 |
Mass and number analysis of particles emitted during aircraft landing
Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Combustion Engine and Transport, Piotrowo Street 3, 60-968 Poznan, Poland
* Corresponding author:
Particles are products of burning fossil fuels and the basic mechanisms of their formation are widely known. The above issue draws more and more attention of scientists due to the negative impact of solid particles on human health and climate. The emission of particles from aircraft is considered mainly in the case of near airport operations, which results from the applicable homologation regulations. However, due to the impact of exhaust emissions on the climate, it is planned to extend the regulations on limiting exhaust gases at cruising altitudes. The measurement of exhaust emissions in real flight conditions is very difficult to perform from a technical point of view, which is why modelling the environmental effects of air operations and laboratory measurements is very important. The article presents the results of jet engine tests made on the engine dynamometer and the measurements results of particle number concentration in the air during the landing of an aircraft equipped with the same engine as on the dynamometer.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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