Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 50, 2018
XII Congreso Internacional Terroir
Article Number | 01022 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Componentes de los Terroir | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 22 August 2018 |
Nueva metodología para evaluar las características enológicas de las unidades de un terroir. Vinificación de mistela.
Centro de Transferencia Agroalimentaria - Gobierno Aragón. Unidad de Enología,
Avda. de Movera,
Grupo de Estudios de Desarrollo Territorial, Universidad de Zaragoza (GEDETUZ),
To To characterize terroir units that express the interaction between the vine and the geographical environment it is necessary to study the oenological parameters of each terroir. Nevertheless, this study presents many difficulties if the number of areas to study it is huge as it was the case of the zoning of DOP Campo de Borja. Grape analyses during harvest are expensive and give limited information. At the same time, fermentations in small-volume containers are difficult to control and introduce factors that are not directly related to the geographical environment. These small-scale fermentations can distort the link between the wine and the soil giving inaccurate results. In the project for the zoning of the DOP Campo de Borja has been used a new simple method which consists in vinification mistela. This new method consisted on producing a wine spirit directly from the grapes but without alcoholic fermentation. Therefore, with this new methodology of making mistelas, an wine produced without fermentation, was possible to obtain the contribution of the terroir of the DOP Campo de Borja to the composition of the grape and, consequently to the wines
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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