Issue |
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 50, 2018
XII Congreso Internacional Terroir
Article Number | 01021 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Componentes de los Terroir | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 22 August 2018 |
Diferenciación del vino a través del terroir: el caso de la DOP Campo de Borja (España)
Grupo de Estudios de Desarrollo Territorial, Universidad de Zaragoza (GEDETUZ).,
Centro de Transferencia Agroalimentaria - Gobierno Aragón. Unidad de Enología,
Avda. de Movera,
The Regulatory Council of the DOP Campo de Borja (Spain) promoted a zoning study aimed at knowing the geographical environment and its effect on the quality of wines, in order to delimit the space in Units of Terroir (UT) base to apply a model Productive and commercial reasoned following the concept terroir. It was to seek the specialization and recognition of wine values linked to the territory of origin. The study of the medium, reflected in a map of cartographic soil units (SMU) to scale 1:25.000, was accompanied by an oenological study carried out during three vintages to know the variability of the oenological capacities of the SMU. The results indicate that in the DOP have obtained different types of units of terroir depending on the characteristics of the mistelas used to classify and delimit territorially Units of Terroir.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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