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E3S Web of Conferences

Volume 489 (2024)

4th International GIRE3D Congress “Participatory and Integrated Management of Water Resources in Arid Zones” (GIRE3D 2023)

Laayoune, Morocco, November 23-25, 2023
B. El Mansouri, A. Moumen, M. El Bouhaddioui and N. Mejjad (Eds.)

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Open Access

Statement of Peer review

Water Resources and Climate Change: Adaptation and Resilience

Coastal Aquifers, Quality, Diagnosis and Monitoring

Alternative Resources and Water Technology: Desalination, Artificial Recharge, Wastewater and Reuse, Rainwater Harvesting and Fog

Numerical Modeling, Remote Sensing, Geomatic & Application of Intelligence Artificielle

Water Heritage, Governance and Future Challenges at Basin Level

Surface and Groundwater Quality Assessment

Chemical and Isotopic Tracers: A Contribution to the Functioning of Hydrological Systems

Open Access

Groundwater Vulnerability Mapping Using the Susceptibility Index (SI) Method and Tritium Isotopes: A Case Study of the Gharb Aquifer in Northwestern Morocco 07001


Conserving Water in Agriculture: New Technologies and Management Strategies

Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Hydro-geophysics