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E3S Web of Conferences

Volume 176 (2020)

International Scientific and Practical Conference “From Inertia to Develop: Research and Innovation Support to Agriculture” (IDSISA 2020)

Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation, February 19-20, 2020
O. Loretts, N. Ojha, A. Ruchkin, S. Vinogradov, V. Kukhar and J.L. Lopez Garcia (Eds.)

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Statement of Peer review

Scientific Support for the Innovative Development of Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology

Actual Problems of Veterinary Medicine

Modern Scientific Achievements - Into the Practice of Production and Processing of Crop Products

Resource-Saving Technologies, Technical Means and the Digital Platform of the Agro-Industrial Complex

The Role of Economic Science in the Innovative Development of Agribusiness

Improving Training, Taking into Account the Requirements of Innovative Development and Digitalization of Agriculture